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  Overall Price Environment Effectiveness Lifespan Speed
Madimack  star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full
 Gas star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full
 Solar star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full star-full


Maximise the year round fun your family has with one of your household’s most valuable assets – your pool . There are three main options in the pool heating market but only one provides the best solution taking into account cost, practicality, efficiency and lifespan – Madimack Heat Pumps.

Choose wisely of the three options available, Madimack Pool Heating offers you the safest most reliable option.



It is essential for every Australian pool owner to understand the heating options available on the market, taking into account practicality, efficiency and lifespan.


Madimack Heat Pumps are by far the best option and away the best option when you are looking for a consistent temperature throughout the swimming months and are highly cost efficient so won’t break the bank. They are the most popular European pool-heating option and although new to Australia, are quickly being adopted by savvy pool owners.

Electric heat pumps such as Madimack, create most of the heat from energy in the ambient air temperature. It is amazing how efficient heat pumps are, while other heating options create one unit of energy for every unit that goes in, heat pumps will create between 4 to 6 units of energy for every one unit of energy that goes in.


  • Lower operating costs
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Units life span is approximately 10 years
  • Don’t need the sun to warm the water
  • They require a power supply to be available, which should be the case with your existing pool equipment.

Overall Price Environment Effectiveness Lifespan Speed - Madimack


Heating your pool with gas is very expensive. The cost of install, running and maintenance can be cost prohibitive unless you have a below average size pool. Leaving your gas heater to maintain a consistent temperature is very costly and subsequently very inefficient.

Additionally burning large amounts of gas is not particularly good for the environment. With a lifespan of roughly 5 years, they will require regular maintenance and replacement. Gas heating is however fast and pool temperature will warm quickly.


  • Heating is not based on air temperature, but on water temperature
  • Will heat up the water quickly
  • Very expensive to run a gas line to your pool equipment
  • Poor option for our environment

Overall Price Environment Effectiveness Lifespan Speed - Gas



Solar pool heating is one of the most popular options in the market. The energy is created through solar collectors, all flexible tubes generally mounted on the roof of the house, with the water pumped back and forward during daylight hours.

Industry opinion is that consumer expectations are frequently not satisfied. Heating effectiveness is obviously based on “sun” activity, which is unpredictable.


  • After the initial up-front costs of purchase and installation, operating costs are relatively insignificant. You will need to factor in a separate circulation pump and the power consumption to go with it, generally about $1 a day.
  • Solar heating is the most environmentally friendly and the most natural way to heat your pool.
  • Solar systems take time to process energy. They are capable of warming the pool water temperature by around 5℃ up to 8℃, even by as much as 10℃ but the process takes time.
  • Unsightly collectors or tubes. The bigger the pool, the bigger the collectors or tubes need to be on the roof. In some cases, this is restrictive.
  • Weather dependent solar pool heaters are only as efficient as the amount of direct sunshine received, limiting the heating effect on the pool.

Overall Price Environment Effectiveness Lifespan Speed - Solar

Please seek independent advice on which pool heating system is best suited to your situation.