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The Pros and Cons of Air Source Heat Pumps

Among the many types of heat pumps on the market, air source heat pumps are easily the most popular choice. With the ability to meet multiple needs ranging from heating and cooling to hot water, these devices are a tried-and-tested choice for property owners on the search for greater energy efficiency.

Air Source Heat Pumps Pros and Cons

In the interests of proving a well-balanced outlook on this heating and cooling solution, our blog this week dives into the pros and cons of air source heat pumps. Continue reading to find out what these are!


High energy efficiency

With air source heat pumps, one of the primary benefits users can look forward to is a high energy efficiency rating.

The efficiency of heating and cooling devices are measured in terms of the Heating Season Performance Factor (HSPF) and the Season Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER), respectively. In terms of SEER, heat pumps boast a rating that stretches to the mid-20s - well beyond the minimum rating of 13. When it comes to HSPF standards, the minimum is around 7.7. Here, air source heat pumps offer three times the heating efficiency of conventional devices including electrical heaters.

Minimal power consumption

Unlike most other heating or cooling solutions, air source heat pumps do not require extensive power consumption in order to provide supreme comfort to a given property.

Given that this device powers up heating and cooling supply through the air in the external temperature, electricity is only used to power the heat pump’s internal operations. Fortunately, for energy conscious households, offices, and commercial properties, this usage is rather slight, reducing electricity bills like no other device on the market.

Alternatively, heat pumps can also be powered using solar or wind energy, reducing electricity consumption down to zero.

Long lifespan and low maintenance

Another factor heat pumps are renowned for are their long lifespans. Given that these devices generally last around 20 years, they’re a long-term energy solution that generates returns from day number one.

They also require little maintenance. In terms of air source heat pumps, cleaning can be done every few months and servicing just once a year.


Another factor that works in favour of those opting for air source heat pumps is their relative affordability. While startup costs can still be high in comparison to other heating and cooling solutions, these devices are far more affordable than alternatives such as geothermal heat pumps.


Climate adaptability

Given that air source heat pumps rely on the outside air to power up heating inside a property, these devices are somewhat unreliable for homes in colder climates.

While they can, in fact, power heating even during winter, for those that live in temperatures that are perpetually on the lower side, these may not be the most reliable choice. In this regard, geothermal heat pumps are far more useful, given that heat is extracted from the ground underneath the earth’s surface.


Another factor that works against air source heat pumps is that they can prove to be somewhat noisy. This, however, can be remedied to a great extent by placing these devices a certain distance away from the building or home.

Warm up time

When it comes to air source heat pumps, another consideration that must be kept in mind is that these devices take a certain amount of time to heat a given property.

As with most other heating/cooling devices, property owners may be left feeling somewhat cold and uncomfortable before the device really changes the internal climate to a more desirable level.

Key takeaways

As can be demonstrated by the roundup of pros and cons detailed above, air source heat pumps are among the finest heating solutions on the market.

Owing to their impressive efficiency, affordable nature, long lifespan, and more, these devices represent the future of home heating systems. Given that its drawbacks are, by nature, those that can be remedied to a certain extent, users have little to second-guess when it comes to choosing these heat pumps.

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