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The 5 Most Cost-Effective Cheap Pool Heating Options

In recent times, cheapest pool heating options have become increasingly common in Australian homes. With the range of heating technology now available on the market, it has become more and more affordable for homeowners to indulge in greater comfort and convenience than ever before.

Despite the multiplicity of devices and options, however, which are the most cost-efficient and effective? Our blog this week takes a look at the best heating hardware up for grabs, as well as the other practices you can adopt to keep your pool toasty and warm, without incurring extra cost.

pool heating options_pool heat pump_heat pump

1. Solar sun rings

Solar rings are one of the best methods of heating up your pool. These are generally made with the use of heavyweight UV resistant vinyl and work by insulating air on the upper layer, and focusing sunlight on its bottom later. The device thus absorbs sunlight and converts it into heat. This has an added functionality of keeping your pool warm during the night, with the contained air acting as an insulating blanket to trap the heat gained during the day.

Despite their many benefits, however, solar sun rings are limited in effectivity if you live in an area with overcast conditions, or your pool is in a sheltered area. Solar sun rings use direct sunlight to heat up your water, so if the sun’s not out, your pool is not likely to be too warm or comfortable. Another drawback is the hassle involved in using these devices. Not only do you need to manually remove it every time you use your pool, but circulation is low and the rings tend to trap passing dust and dirt.

2. Pool heat pump

A forerunner among heating hardware, the pool heat pump is one of the most cost-effective options homeowners can opt for. Certain pumps even cost as low as $1 to run per day, given that it draws in heat from the outside environment in order to heat up your pool. Most devices operate between an impressive range of -10℃ to 45℃, and are, therefore, perfect for a range of climates and weather conditions.

Pool Heat Pumps work by circulating swimming pool water, from where the water is drawn and passed through a filter and a water heater. The heater has a fan that draws in air from the outside and circulates this through an outer evaporator air coil. Through a somewhat complex procedure, the air outside is converted into hot gas, which then transfers its heat onto the water.

While the device does consume a certain quota of energy in order to power up its compressor, this usage is slight in comparison to the impressive function it performs. Water is generally heated between 3-5 degrees, providing users a whole lot of comfort at a very lucrative cost.

3. Eliminate wind from your pool environment

The presence of wind around your pool area has the potential of accelerating heat loss.

When there’s wind acting on the surface of the water, this creates ripple or waves, increasing surface area and causing greater heat loss through evaporation. When you have a flat pool, surface area is less, and, therefore, the likelihood of heat loss is reduced.

For homeowners looking to make more savings with a pool heat pump in place, it’s best to create an environment which shields your pool from natural elements such as this. This way, you can not just enjoy a much warmer pool, but also increased cost and energy efficiency.

4. Anti-evaporation devices

Some sources estimate that around 75% of heat loss from a pool is driven through evaporation.

Thus, however you decide to warm up your pool, you’re not going to enjoy its full effects if evaporation is high.

A solid pool blanket is one way to ensure you’re not losing out to this phenomena. There are generally two types available - a safety blanket and a heat retention device. While these are somewhat expensive, they’re quite valuable in terms of preventing heat loss from your pool. More than just covering the entire surface of your pool, the blanket is also the perfect safety measure if you have any children at home. Owing to its construction and design, these can bear the weight of a child who accidentally wanders over to the pool area.

Other, less expensive options such as floating and liquid blankets are also available on the market, however these are either unsafe or ineffective compared to the solid pool blanket. So, if you’re looking for cost-effective options without too much concern about safety, the floating blanket is what you’re after. If you’re even more strapped for cash, the liquid blanket is probably your best choice. While it’s limited in terms of preventing evaporation, it’s certainly better than nothing.

5. Run your pool heat pump during the warmest part of the day

Given that pool heating options such as this draws its heating capability from the air outside, it operates best during the warmest part of the day. Thus, ensure you get the most out of your pool heat pump by setting the controls of your filtration system to operate when the sun is at its peak outside.

This way, you can guarantee that your heater will perform at its maximum capacity, giving you the best COP (Co-efficiency of Performance) you can hope for.

Before this, however, it’s important to ascertain that your heat pump is the most efficient on the market. Compare the COP of each pool heater before you decide on which to buy. This way, through a little effortless research, you ensure you’re making a wise purchase for both you, your wallet, and your pool.

Key Takeaways

With the advent of science and technology, homeowners are now equipped with more than just hardware to heat up your pool. By taking simple steps in the design and placement of your home’s pool, warmer water and greater comfort can be ensured without excessive cost. By following the tips outlined above, you can now ensure that a well heated pool is no longer a luxury few can afford.

 Find out more about the best hardware for your property!

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