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A New Wave Of Pool Heating..........

In case you missed it.....

Solar and Energy CouncilMadimack was recently published by the "Solar and Energy Council" in their quarterly publication. It expresses how the pool industry is changing with the rise of high efficiency pool heat pumps and the battle for roof space. With residents opting for Electric production which can used all year round to power an electric pool heat pump in the summer and to power the house in the winter.

Click the image to find out more you can find the full article on page 7..

The magazine is an excellent read throughout, offering a wealth of information on market trends, insightful predictions, and the latest technologies emerging in the market. Each issue is crafted to keep you informed and ahead of the curve, making it an invaluable resource for industry professionals and enthusiasts alike.

One of the standout topics covered is Australia's impressive leadership in solar energy adoption. With Australians boasting the highest per capita uptake of solar production globally, this trend shows no signs of slowing down. This commitment to renewable energy is setting new standards and driving innovation across various sectors.

Additionally, Australia holds the distinction of having the highest number of swimming pools per capita in the world. This unique combination of factors is poised to lead to a significant increase in the demand for high-efficiency pool heaters. As more homeowners seek sustainable and cost-effective solutions, the integration of advanced heating systems becomes increasingly essential.

If you're interested in exploring the best options for your pool heating needs or want to accurately calculate your pool heating energy costs, our team of experts is here to help. Simply fill out the form below, and one of our specialists will get back to you within 24 hours to provide personalized advice and solutions tailored to your needs.


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