Blogs | Madimack

Using Thermally Active Building Structures to Improve Energy Efficiency

Written by Lee Brown | July, 25 2018

For owners with multi-storey properties in the works, energy-efficient heating and cooling often represent a key concern. Fortunately, we live in a day and age where heating technology is only growing more adaptive and advanced. In this regard, what are Thermally Active Building Structures (TABS) and what benefits do they bring to property owners interested in lowered cost and greater energy efficiency?

Our blog this week dives right into this all-new area, proving that for anyone looking to build a property that can withstand the challenges of the future, TABS are the perfect choice.

How does TABS work?

TABS is a truly unique heating and cooling solution that utilises a building’s thermal mass to provide the requisite temperature and climate. Here, embedded pipes contain continuously circulating hot and cold water, which powers up the system’s impressive capabilities.

Radiant heating is the primary way in which heat is transferred. This is where heat is projected onto solid objects, which in turn maintain the level of temperature in a given space. Through this method, ceilings, floors, and walls contribute to the heating of a property. The embedded pies activate the concrete core in the building to store and discharge thermal loads.

While TABS does not function as an air conditioner or a substitute for a proper ventilation system, with its impressive energy efficiency, it does reduce the load on conventional heating and cooling systems.

What are the benefits of radiant heating systems?

Improved energy efficiency compared to traditional air-based devices

One of the key features users of TABS can look forward to, is the higher levels of energy efficiency enjoyed by this system. This is due to the superior hydronic circuit topology used within its structure. Here, separate zone return pipes boast an energy saving of 20-30% as well as an improved cooling demand, in comparison to common zone return pipes.

The control strategy of these systems also contributes to greater energy efficiency. Here, electricity demand for the water circulation pumps can be reduced by more than 50% compared to continuous operation. This is due to the intermittent operation of the system through the use of cutting-edge technology.

Cost-effective from start to finish

One of the key features of TABS is the monetary savings it offers up users. With an impressive saving of up to 50% on operational costs, users also save up to 30% on investment expenditure.

Further, given that radiant heating reduces the load on other heating and cooling devices

such as air conditioners and heating units, this amounts to a 20-50% increase in energy savings. These systems also don’t require as much maintenance as most other devices do. This further contributes to the lowered costs enjoyed by users of this energy-efficient and hassle-free radiant heating system.

Freedom of design for architects

For many property owners, the aesthetic appeal of a space is an almost crucial requirement. In this regard, TABS are a favourite among architects given that its invisible system design provides ample freedom within which a space can be planned and constructed.

Thus, unlike other heating and cooling systems that take up space and gather dust, TABS are both unheard and unseen. This provides it with an edge that can’t be matched by any other device or solution on the market.

Greater comfort and lesser health implications for occupants

Among its many features, one of the main attractions of TABS are the health benefits it guarantees for property dwellers. Here, given that it does not take physical space and the fact that it reduces circulation through radiant heating, the chance of individuals suffering from respiratory illnesses are reduced.

Key Takeaways

TABS are emerging as a dominant heating and cooling system for energy-efficient properties. For users keen to enjoy high energy efficiency, enhanced cost-saving capabilities, and ultimately, a comfortable and healthy space to live and work in, these systems are an unparalleled choice.

With the use of radiant heating, choose the best for your health, comfort, and wallet through TABS today.