Blogs | Madimack

How Much Does it Cost to Run a Pool Heat Pump?

Written by Alex Welsh | December, 6 2018

In Australia, swimming pools represent a popular pastime for locals looking to blow off some steam. While this is ideal in the summer, swimming in unheated waters may not be the best idea at any other time of the year. This is particularly why pool heat pumps are becoming so popular across the country - not forgetting their high scores of energy efficiency, of course.

 On our blog this week, we plunge into discussing the expenditure associated with pool heat pumps and how certain models even cost as low as $2-$3 per day.

Continue reading and make a splash with energy-efficient devices that allow you to enjoy warm waters around the year!

Which factors affect running costs?

When determining your daily cost of running a pool heat pump, there are many factors that determine just how much you pay. Some of these include:

Climate conditions

While heat pumps are renowned for their ability to extract heat even in environments that dip below 0℃, these devices need to work harder to produce heat. This results in the increase of electricity costs, given that it is used as a fuel to power internal operations. It’s important to note, here, that electricity isn’t used to produce the heat itself - this is extracted from the outside environment.

If pool heat pumps are paired with a solar system, however, this issue is completely eliminated. Here, the excess energy produced can be used to power the pool heat pump, instead of electricity.

Pool heat pump efficiency

When it comes to determining heat pump efficiency, both the Coefficient of Performance (COP) and the Seasonal Performance Factor (SPF) can be decisive when calculating running costs.

These, in essence, are the ratios used to find out the level of heating and cooling provided to address specific energy requirements. As a rule of thumb, higher COPs generally mean that a particular device boasts lower operating costs.

It must be noted, however, that performance varies based on seasonal changes. Therefore, different points of measure may be used to determine efficiency accordingly.

In terms of pool heat pumps, geothermal devices tend to display an efficiency anywhere between 300%-500%, while air source solutions are slightly lesser than this.

Pool heat pump sizing

Another factor that can affect running cost is heat pump sizing. Ensuring that you get the right sized system is necessary so that your heating needs are met to perfection - nothing more, nothing less.

Pool heating options, therefore, should be determined according to the surface area of a pool as well as the difference between the temperature of the pool and the air surrounding it. Beyond these, other factors such as wind exposure, humidity, and night temperatures also prove influential.

Before purchase, therefore, make sure you run your pool specifications on a pool heat pump calculator. This way, you can determine which system is the right size for your needs, preventing overheating or under-heating - both of which can cause you to incur additional costs.

What are the other costs incurred in maintaining a pool?

In Australia, expenditure on a backyard swimming pool amounts to an average of 17% of a property’s total electricity bill. This covers costs for a range of components beyond pool heating options, themselves. These include:

Pool filter pumps

These systems collect debris and other kinds of dirt floating in a pool. Given that this is essential for upkeep and maintenance, property owners have no choice but to fork over approximately 26 to 53 cents per hour towards their electricity bills.

Water evaporation

Water evaporation causes heat to be lost from a pool, which can total to around 70% of energy loss. In this way, pool owners are forced to spend more on heating bills in order to circumvent the effect of water evaporation.


Chlorinators are necessary to ensure that pool water remains clean and all bacteria is killed. Similar to pool filters, this component is essential and can cost individuals around 7 cents per hour to run.

Key takeaways

When it comes to pool heating options, there’s nothing quite like pool heat pumps. Prior to installation, however, understanding how costs are calculated is useful to enjoy unparalleled savings and efficiency.

In this manner, controlling overall pool costs can become significantly easier. Maintenance and upkeep, therefore, no longer places a nightmarish burden on the total electricity bill.