Blogs | Madimack

Top 10 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Household's Carbon Footprint

Written by Alex Wilson | September, 20 2018

In an era where environmental conservation is more important than ever, it’s difficult to find products or solutions that don’t claim to reduce your carbon footprint. According to Time for Change, carbon footprint denotes the amount of greenhouse gas produced to support human activities, whether directly or indirectly, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide.

For homeowners looking to remain sustainable and cost-effective through green property design, reducing emissions, therefore, is likely to be a top priority. Fortunately, our blog this week dives into all the ways in which this can be achieved.

Keep reading for more!

1. Install an energy-efficient heating and cooling system

Depending on the heating and cooling system you choose for your home, reducing your carbon footprint can be rendered an almost thoughtless process.

While forced air systems may prove effective in doing their job, they’re certainly not the most efficient systems. Radiant underfloor heating and cooling, on the other hand, are significantly better in this regard and can be rendered even more so through the use of a geothermal heat pump.

While you may incur considerable costs at the outset, making these back in terms of lowered energy bills is only a matter of time.

2. Include energy saving appliances

Another way to reduce your home’s carbon footprint is to opt for appliances that meet the specification of national energy ratings.

In Australia, look for the Energy Rating Label before you purchase household devices. In this regard, if you’re wondering how to pick products that will lower your carbon footprint, find out how to choose devices that suits your needs and saves energy.

3. Opt for renewable energy sources as much as possible

While solar power is a lucrative option for most, this is not the only solution in the market.

In this regard, heat pumps have fast become a popular choice for homeowners looking to transform their energy usage. Here, hot air is drawn from the outside environment and pumped into a home to provide both energy-efficient heating and cooling. Here, the only running cost incurred is the electricity the device consumes to function.

4. Reduce your carbon footprint by using less water

When it comes to reducing your carbon footprint, cutting down on water usage is a significant part of this process.

By shutting taps when you brush your teeth, taking shorter showers, and refraining from using your bathtub frequently, reducing water usage can be achieved with a few hassle-free lifestyle changes. Additionally, by equipping your home with water-saving appliances or even those with water-saving features, this effort can be enhanced even further.

5. Turn off household appliances when they are not in use

Another way in which your household’s carbon footprint can be reduced is by making an effort to switch off electrical accessories and devices when they’re not in use.

Even if your home is powered through solar panels, wasting electricity this way can preclude you from greater savings. This is because feeding excess solar power into the grid allows you to lower your electricity bills even further through the use of solar credits.

In this process, begin by taking small steps - unplugging your mobile charger after usage, for instance.

6. Insulate your home as far as you can

Even without opting for renewable energy systems and the like, you can reduce your carbon footprint by ensuring your home is properly insulated.

By using higher R-value insulation in exterior walls and ceilings and using spray foam insulation in strategic areas, increase your comfort and save on energy bills through a few modifications in your home.

7. Leverage the right apps to optimise energy usage

Many apps nowadays exist solely to help homeowners run their homes better and clean up their energy act. These include those that can remotely control household appliance, including lights, entertainment devices, and hot water systems.

By wielding these tools, it’s not just possible to reduce your carbon footprint and cut down on bills but also lead a very comfortable lifestyle.

 8. Be more conscious of the food that is eaten

In the US, 13% of all greenhouse gas emissions are the result of the production and transportation of food. In light of this reality, it's safe to assume that food wastage leads to a significant release of carbon emissions into the environment.

In this regard, conscious homeowners can prevent such wastage by buying local produce, cutting down reliance on food chains that utilise fossil fuel-based fertilisers, pesticides, and other gaseous products, as well as planning meals in advance through the use of frozen foods!

9. Reduce, reuse, and recycle

Recycling and using products more responsibly is another significant way in which greenhouse gas emissions can be controlled.

Given that the production process of many household items is far from environmentally friendly, careful use and recycling allow homeowners to take more control over their carbon footprint. Another useful tip, in this regard, is to purchase second-hand products as far as possible. This cuts down on the demand for new goods, whose production process is one of the biggest contributors to global warming and environmental pollution.

10. Regular equipment updates and maintenance 

Another way in which homeowners can lessen their carbon footprint is by ensuring that household equipment is frequently maintained and upgraded.

Regular maintenance doesn't just improve the lifespan of appliances, it also makes them more efficient - reducing the amount of energy these devices consume to operate. If a particular device has been in usage for a significant amount of time, however, maintenance alone may not be enough. In this regard, replacing such appliances with newer models is likely to be effective. For instance, replacing washing machines that are over 10 years old can save homeowners around $100 per year!

Key takeaways

If you’re serious about reducing your carbon footprint, there are a great number of actions you can take to become greener and more energy-efficient. Regardless of the size of your budget, therefore, finding ways to transform your home into a cleaner space and one that’s prepared to meet the challenges of the future, is easier than ever.

By following the tips set out above reduce your carbon footprint and live your best life today!